Images and Videos of Canvas Outcomes
About this Tool
In Canvas, learning outcomes with rating scales can be defined at the campus, school/college, department, or course level. You can then incorporate specific outcomes in grading rubrics to assess learning mastery. Results are available to you and your students via the Learning Mastery Gradebook. Assessment coordinators for departments and schools can generate reports with aggregate results for all courses in their academic unit.
Key Features for Teaching and Learning
- Track student progress. Outcomes allows the administration and faculty to track students’ progress as measured by pedagogical goals or desired outcomes.
- Set calculation methods for student mastery. When you create an outcome, you can set the calculation method: Decaying Average, n Number of Times, Most Recent Score, or Highest Score.
- Align outcomes to rubrics and quiz banks. Easily assess student learning by attaching outcomes—created by you or taken from state learning standards—to rubrics and quiz banks.
Teaching Stories using this Tool
- This tool is available for Faculty
- This tool is available for Staff
- This tool is available for Students
- This tool is available for Guests
- Available university-wide, across all campuses
No additional cost
Privacy, accessibility, and other information
- Canvas (Instructure) accessibility
- Canvas (Instructure) privacy policy
- Create accessible Canvas sites
- Integrated into Canvas.
Available directly in Navigation and through Rubrics.