Featured Tool
An assessment platform that streamlines academic evaluation with uniformity and efficiency.

Engage in discussions outside class
- Chat with students in real time—and simplify office hours
- Build peer support and facilitate group projects
- Focus discussion on a specific task or assignment

Organize your course materials
- Save and organize videos, course content, and other materials in Canvas
- Import and distribute learning objects in a shared repository

Track student progress and learning goals
- Gather student input through questionnaires and polls
- Provide ongoing and substantial feedback from anywhere
- Embed quizzes for real-time feedback in Canvas or videos

Content Creation
Design innovative course materials
- Create interactive content and dynamic presentations
- Empower students to be active producers
- Access course materials and texts from any device

Turn groups into teams
- Provide tools for students to collaborate remotely
- Create online spaces for students to contribute as a team
- Set up repositories to find, import, and share resources

Learning Management
Manage your course, roster, and sections in Canvas
- Organize course content in a simplified, accessible workflow
- Combine and manage multiple sections in a single course site
- Take, track, and grade student attendance

Publisher Courseware
Provide interactive & adaptive learning environments
- Access homework, problem sets, and quiz and test banks from publishers
- Codeless access for your students
- Integrate with Canvas

Course Materials
Get readymade videos, games, images, and more
- Get access to interactive content and dynamic presentations
- Integrate games and simulations into your course
- Find videos, images, and media-rich content specific to your discipline