About this Tool

The Canvas Gradebook lists all graded Assignments, Discussions, Quizzes, and surveys that have been published in a course, and it allows instructors to view and enter grades for each student in the class. Though the default view allows instructors to view all grades and assignments in a grid format, instructors can opt to view grades for only one student at a time.

Key Features for Teaching and Learning

  • Post grades automatically or manually. You can either automatically post grades to make them immediately visible to students or you can choose when to post grades and make them visible to students.
  • Sort and filter assignments. Assignments can be sorted or filtered by their order in modules or by assignment group.
  • Automate late policies. Automatically apply grading rules to late and missing assignments.
  • Customize for grading status. Set custom colors for specific submission and grading statuses, including: late, missing, resubmitted, dropped, and excused.

Teaching Stories using this Tool